5 Common Reasons for Needing Roadside Assistance and How to Avoid Them

by | Jul 29, 2024 | Roadside Assistance Tips | 0 comments

Roadside assistance is crucial when unexpected vehicle issues arise. This guide explores five common reasons drivers need such help and provides practical tips to prevent these incidents. Being proactive in your vehicle maintenance can significantly reduce the likelihood of finding yourself stranded. Let’s dive into how you can keep your drives smooth and stress-free with Union City Towing’s advice. From flat tires to battery failures, understanding what causes roadside emergencies and how to prevent them will empower you to take better care of your vehicle.


1. Flat Tires: A Leading Cause

Flat tires are a top reason drivers call for roadside help. Many of these situations are preventable with regular tire inspections and maintenance. Check your tires monthly for wear and ensure they are always inflated to the manufacturer’s recommended levels. This simple routine can save you from the hassle and danger of a blowout on a busy road. Additionally, keeping a quality spare tire and the necessary tools can help you manage until professional help arrives.


2. Battery Issues: Preventing Failures

Battery failures often catch drivers off guard and can lead to needing roadside assistance. To avoid this, check your battery’s health periodically, especially before long trips or after it has been in use for several years. Keeping the battery terminals clean and ensuring they are securely mounted will help extend their life and reliability. Consider investing in a battery tester or scheduling a professional check-up annually to prevent unexpected failures. This preventative measure is a small investment that can save significant time and money.


3. Engine Overheating: Understanding the Signs

Engine overheating can cause significant damage if not addressed quickly. Maintain your cooling system by regularly checking the coolant level and replacing it as advised by your vehicle’s manual. Also, watch for signs of leaks or overheating, like steam from the hood or a rising temperature gauge, and address them immediately. Ensuring your radiator is debris-free and your coolant is at the correct level can drastically reduce overheating risks. Regular inspections by a professional can also help catch issues before they lead to a breakdown.


4. Running Out of Gas: Planning Ahead

Running out of gas is an entirely preventable dilemma. Constantly monitor your fuel gauge and plan your refueling stops on longer journeys. Setting a reminder to refuel when your tank reaches one-quarter full can prevent this common reason for roadside calls. Additionally, understanding your vehicle’s average fuel consumption can help you estimate how far you can travel on a full tank. You can avoid the inconvenience and danger of running out of fuel by maintaining good refueling habits.


5. Key Lockouts: Avoiding the Hassle

With the advent of keyless entry, key lockouts should be less frequent, yet they still occur. Always carry a spare key in a secure but accessible place, like a wallet or with a trusted friend. Consider using digital solutions that allow you to unlock your car with a smartphone app. Many insurance policies and roadside assistance programs now offer lockout services, which can be a lifesaver. Storing a spare key at home or with someone reliable can save you time and stress if a lockout happens.


Regular Maintenance: The Best Prevention

Regular vehicle maintenance is your best defense against roadside emergencies. Adhere to a maintenance schedule that includes checks on brakes, lights, oil levels, and other fluids. This ensures your vehicle’s longevity and reliability when you need it most. Regular check-ups help identify potential issues before they become significant problems, keeping your vehicle safe and operational. Investing in routine maintenance can prevent many common roadside issues and extend the life of your car.


What to Do If You Need Assistance

If you need roadside assistance, stay calm and move your vehicle to a safe location if possible. Contact a reliable service provider like Union City Towing and provide clear details about your location and the nature of the issue. It is advisable to wait inside your vehicle where it is safe to do so. Keep an emergency kit in your car, including flares and a charged cell phone, to help manage until help arrives. Knowing how to react in these situations can significantly reduce the stress and danger involved.


Contact Us for Roadside Assistance

Proactive vehicle maintenance and preparedness can significantly reduce the risk of common roadside issues. At Union City Towing, we believe prevention is key, but we’re also here to assist when unexpected situations arise. Reach out to us for dependable roadside assistance whenever you encounter trouble on the road. Our team is committed to providing quick, efficient service to ensure your safety and convenience. Let us help you stay moving safely with minimal disruptions to your travel plans.